
Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Puffball Mushrooms

Late August and early September are some of the best times to go hiking. And even though I was watching toddlers, I decided to venture into the woods. 
I was right in taking them, because it was one of my little charges who found what I was after: 

The Puffball Mushroom. I managed to snap a picture of her with it before we were done. 
It was the biggest I have ever seen, and quite the accomplishment for a four year old. And it was an accomplishment for me when their mom came home from work to find her kids excitedly munching on vegetables. 
I got the idea last year, inspired by a friend who had mentioned doing it, but never had the chance to try it because I couldn't find any. Now, I had my chance. My dream pizza was about to come true. 

The vegan puffball pizza. So simple and delicious, right from my backyard. 

Puffball Pizzas 

1 good sized puffball mushroom (do some research to make sure you get the right kind!) 
4 cloves of garlic 
About 2 cups tomato sauce 
Olive oil for drizzling 
3 fresh sprigs of basil 
Any other pizza toppings you'd like 

  1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Slice the mushroom into round slices, about one inch thick. 

Slice as many as you need. I did five, enough for one per person plus some extra. I only used a little less than half of my monster mushroom. 

  2. Grease a baking sheet with olive oil. Lay the slices on the sheet and brush with olive oil. 

  3. Mince one clove of garlic onto each pizza, and sprinkle with salt. 

  4. Add sauce, and desired toppings. 
  5. Bake for about 10-15 minutes. 

  Serve warm and enjoy!